Friday, May 8, 2009

Okay, now Today!

Not much going on, had to take a load of junk to the dump! Dad is off to our ward's Father's and Son's. I tried to talk Jim into taking Diego, but he didn't... anyways, the kids were here and went swimming, I know, the water is still to cold for me to go in. Jim and I also went to see STARTREK, gotta tell ya, one of my favorite movies to date! We saw WOLVERINE last weekend and that was great too! Now I am off to a reception and I will be done for the day, yea... see ya!

Off to TEXAS!

You know everything is bigger in Texas...I know the state takes a while to cross. :) Anyways, Lauren had a wedding to attend here at home, so I flew over to help her drive one their vehicles home. They will be home for the summer so off I went. Just flew over, had dinner at one of their favorite Mexican restaurants and the next morning she showed me around her hygiene school and by 11 am, we were on our way home! 15 hours later (2 am) we pulled up to our house Friday morning. We probably could've cut out an hour, but I like to make a lot of little stops if you know what I mean. :) Heres a picture of ONE of our many stops, I am sure Lauren was the one that had to go at this spot! Hee, hee....

Taylor's Prom w/date Grayson!

I know I am late in updating my blog, but I thought I'd try with Taylor's Prom! She went with her friend, Grayson. I don't remember the details, but I know they had a great time!! Here are some pictures that I took, plus if you go to my Facebook, she has some goes. Taylor and Bailey, good buddies; Dad pinning on Grayson's boutinere, somewhat of a tradition at our house!; and then the cute couple themselves!!